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Open access and data sharing in cancer stem cells research
Acceso abierto y uso compartido de datos de investigación sobre células madre cancerosas
Rut Lucas-Domíngueza,b,c, Antonio Vidal-Infera,b,
, Adolfo Alonso-Arroyoa,b, Beatriz Tarazona-Álvarezd, Máxima Bolaños-Pizarroa,e, Vanessa Paredes-Gallardod
Autor para correspondencia
a Department of History of Science and Information Science, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
b UISYS, Joint Research Unit, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Associated Unit Research Institute for Higher Education and Science (INAECU) UC3M-UAM, Spain
c CIBERONC, Valencia, Spain
d Department of Stomatology, School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
e Research Institute of Higher Education and Science (INAECU) UC3M-UAM, Spain
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