Journal Information

About the journal

Gaceta Sanitaria
Contact email: ISSN :0213-9111. Twitter: @gacetasanitaria

Objectives and scope
Gaceta Sanitaria is the scientific journal of the Spanish Society for Public Health and Health Administration (SESPAS). It publishes peer-reviewed articles in English (preferably) and also in Spanish. Articles are published in the following categories: Original Articles, Short Original Articles, Book Reviews, Opinion Articles, Field Notes, Methodological Notes, Protocols, Letters to the Editor, Editorials, Debates and Retractions. All articles are on topics related to public health and health administration: epidemiology, disease prevention and health promotion, policy and service management and assessment, health economics, environmental health and international health.

Open source (Acceso abierto)
All published articles are available online immediately after publication, at no charge and without any need to register or subscribe. Articles are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International licence.

Indexing services
The journal is indexed in the Web of Knowledge (Science Citation Index (SCI) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI)), Medline/PubMed, Index Medicus, Scopus, SciELO, IBECS, Índice Médico Español, Toxline, CANCERLIT, AIDSLINE, Cab Direct, Bibliomed, CUIDEN, EventLine and HealthSTAR.
All published articles are also available via SciELO.

Peer review policy
All manuscripts submitted to Gaceta Sanitaria are reviewed by our editors and reviewers. The journal uses an open review system where the names of the editors are included in any feedback. Reviewers can opt to have their names included if they wish.

Ethical Guidelines
Gaceta Sanitaria is an active advocate of transparency and rigour in its relationships with its parent organisation (SESPAS), its publisher (Elsevier España), and its authors, reviewers and readers. It is therefore a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE, and adheres to the Editorial Policy Statements of 21 March 2006 approved by the Council of Science Editors. These are available at Click here to download Gaceta Sanitaria's Ethical Guidelines document, which sets out the journal's policy to ensure ethical and equal treatment of all individuals involved in the publication process:

Policy to Promote Gender Equality in Scientific Publication
Click here to read the policy setting out minimum standards the journal must adhere to in order to promote gender equality in accordance with the recommendations of the European Association of Science Editors::

Appeals and complaints
Authors who wish to file a complaint or appeal if their manuscript is rejected should contact the Editor in Chief in the first instance. Gaceta Sanitaria also has an ombudsman whose task is to investigate, when required, and respond to all appeals and complaints that have not been resolved through the journal's internal procedures. If the person lodging the appeal or filing the complaint is not satisfied with the response provided by Gaceta Sanitaria, he or she can contact the ombudsman. However, in certain situations where there are justifiable reasons, the complainant can contact the ombudsman directly without contacting the Editor in Chief first. To contact the ombudsman, email

Publication fees

Gaceta Sanitaria is a full open access journal. All articles can be freely accessed and downloaded immediately and permanently. The publication of an article has Sa cost ("article processing charge"; APC) that the author—or someone representing them, such as their institution or the entity funding the work—must cover. The management of these APCs is carried out by SESPAS after the final acceptance of the manuscript. Authors will receive specific information on how to make the payment to SESPAS.

From September 1, 2024, the following APCs will apply:

  • Originals, reviews, opinion manuscripts, health and public health policy descriptions, and special articles have an APC of € 1,800. Brief originals, protocols, methodological notes, and field notes have an APC of 900 euros. VAT or an equivalent tax must be added to the aforementioned figures. Editorials, debate articles, letters to the editor, manuscripts commissioned by the Editorial Committee, and complementary sections (reviews, obituaries, etc.) are exempt from APCs.
  • Members of societies integrated into SESPAS. Manuscripts whose first or last author is a member of any of the societies integrated into SESPAS, with at least one year of membership at the time of manuscript submission, will receive a 50% discount on APCs (900 euros for original articles and similar, and 450 euros for brief originals and similar). Individuals affiliated with societies or entities that have agreements with SESPAS or any of the federated societies will receive the same treatment as SESPAS members when these agreements so stipulate.

SESPAS announces, from the beginning of the year until exhausted, grants for young researchers with special funding needs that cover these APCs (provided the manuscript has been accepted). Information on how to access these grants can be found at this link.

Gaceta Sanitaria
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¿Es usted profesional sanitario apto para prescribir o dispensar medicamentos?

Are you a health professional able to prescribe or dispense drugs?